• 50 Most Profitable Blog Niches With Low Competition for 2024.

    50 Most Profitable Blog Niches With Low Competition for 2024.


    So you want to start a blog?

    That’s great! But what’s even better is starting a blog in a profitable niche with low competition. Believe it or not, there are quite a few of them out there.

    To start making money online, you need to choose a topic that interests you. Then, you should research the best way to monetize that interest.

    When you find the niche you’re interested in, you need to make it even more specific, find a subcategory of that niche, and start writing blogs.

    Ideally, write 7-20 blog articles around that sub-category before you find a new sub-category to work on.

    In that way, you will build your blog website in the right way that Google likes.

    This guide will give you a list of profitable blogging niches with low competition. It will also give you ideas for creating a successful blog in this niche.

    In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most profitable blog niches with low competition in 2023. We’ll also discuss what makes these niches so good, and how you can get started in them yourself.

    Are you ready to find your perfect niche?

    Let’s get started!

    What Are Profitable Blog Niches With Low Competition?

    So, what are the most profitable blog niches with low competition?

    50 Profitable, Low-Competition Blogging Niches to Start.

    Actually, there are many different niches that you could consider.

    But some of the most popular ones include:

    1. Fitness

    There are many sub-categories for fitness niches; you can choose cardio or make it just for women or men.

    The good thing about the fitness niche is that you can monetize it easily with affiliate marketing.

    Firstly, try to find a sub-niche, and the best way to do it is to see what people from that niche are typing in Google search.

    You will find that many people are looking for fitness and you need to create your blog website around what people are asking Google.

    2. Diets

    There are many diets, including keto, vegan, meat diet, etc.

    Find 1 sub-niche to start and work on it, and try to achieve 10-20 good articles that are well-researched.

    You can use the help of AI Assistant just to make it an even better-researched article for your audience.

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    3. Solar Energy

    Solar energy is a great low-competition blog niche to start and make money from it.

    A good way to start is by creating videos, you have many free sites like Pexels to find free videos you can use to create videos.

    Google loves videos and you can get more traffic to your blog website if you use videos for your solar energy blog website.

    Read the full review of Pictory AI here.

    4. Green Environment

    This can be widely popular in 2023 since people are getting more aware of the green environment importance.

    That’s why you can start a new blog website around this niche.

    If you have an interest in green environment topics then you can start a website on green web hosting.

    5. Health

    Health is way too broad a niche, so you need to segment your website.

    The more specific you create your website the better and faster the results will be.

    Of course, you can’t open a blog website about health topics that are life treating, you need to be a specialist to write articles like that.

    Try to find something that is less responsible, like natural health.

    6. Beauty

    The beauty niche was popular in 2022 and probably will be more popular in 2023.

    Again, it’s a wide niche and you need to be specific with your blog website, maybe it’s a man’s beauty, but even if it’s wide, you need to choose something like an older man’s beauty.

    To know what to choose you to need to do keyword research and find the best possible sub-niche you can.

    7. Pet Care

    If you have a pet this niche can work for you.

    If you have a cat, you can create a blog website around cat care.

    The good idea is to use videos on your blog website and YouTube channel.

    In that way, you can build your traffic faster and for free.

    8. Gaming

    Gaming is a good niche to choose from, you may think the competition is hard, but if you segment yourself and choose for example WEB 3.0 Play to Earn Games, then you can see results faster.

    Of course don’t write about topics you don’t know, firstly play that game, and then you can monetize it with affiliate programs from that game you write about.

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    9. Kids & Parenting

    If you know a lot about parenting, you can build a blog website around parenting or kids’ niches.

    There are many categories like newborns, toddlers, teenagers, etc.

    The parenting niche is huge, and parents especially new ones are pretty much scared and unsecured, that’s why they are buying a lot.

    Most of the things they buy they will never use.

    When it comes to scarcity people buy more often.

    Many parenting sites don’t have videos on their blogs, so use that as an advantage.

    10. Artificial Intelligence

    The popularity of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we saw in Q4 of 2022 when Chat GPT became widely popular causing delays and breaks of Chat GPT.

    With the raising of this Chat, AI can grow even more, and you can start creating blog posts around this.

    There are many sub-niches you can choose from, one of them is to write only about Chat GPT, and you will have endless potential topics to write about.

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    11. Indoor Sports

    There are many indoor sports, and you can choose one, or even better choose 1-3 that are related, and wait for the big events to start seeing traffic. Big events like World Cups, or something like that.

    Or you can even go broad and use niche completely about Indoor Sports.

    But always start with a sub-category, write about that segment of your niche, get authority, and then move to the next category.

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    12. Online Dating

    Online dating is a widely popular niche, so you need to segment yourself into a small but impactful sub-niche.

    Like religious online dating or something similar but specific.

    13. Personal Finance

    Personal finance and advice about finance are very popular was very popular in 2023, and that trend should be continued in 2023.

    Use a keyword tool to find what people are typing on Google, and try to make blog content around that with well-researched guides on personal finance.

    14. Social Media Marketing

    There are many Social Media, and there will be even more in 2023.

    You can write about almost any social media, there are many topics you can write about.

    The good thing is you can focus on one for the start, and later on, you can move to the next social media to write about.

    You can write about how to make money on social media, how to advertise on social media, etc.

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    15. Web Traffic

    Every business that is online needs traffic, and you can create a blog website around this niche.

    16. Personal Development

    Here you can choose between psychical or physical development.

    You can write about depression killers, how to fix your posture, etc.

    Depending on what sub-niche you choose.

    It’s a popular but yet not so competitive niche to write blog articles about.

    17. Technology

    Writing about technology is a broad niche.

    Write about car technology or even better make it more specific and write about specific car technology.

    There are many technology sub-niches and niches that you can write about and build an entire website.

    18. Fishing

    Fishing can be exciting to write about if you are a fishing enthusiast.

    If you are not, then don’t do it.

    You have many problems that the fishing audience is facing.

    You can find what people are searching for on Google and then try to do well research, after you did research, craft the best content on the web for that topic.

    19. Start a Business

    This was hugely popular in 2022, and in 2023 the trend should only grow.

    You should specify yourself in this niche, for example, online digital marketing business, online freelance business, etc.

    The good idea is to create some kind of digital product, for example, an eBook (you can build it with Canva), create a post, and give them an ebook for the exchange of that eBook.

    20. Solo Traveling

    If you are a solo traveler like me, then you can write about solo traveling or any traveling at all.

    You can write about specific places you visit or the best places to visit in a specific country or region for solo travelers.

    Of course, when it comes to travel blogs, good thing is to have videos and a lot of images.

    21. Adoption

    Adoption is a good low-competition niche to write about.

    There are many people looking for adoptive kids, newborns, etc.

    A site that writes about adoption babies and kids is I Love My Child.

    22. Single Parenting

    There are a lot of single parents right now looking for advice, s and solutions for their problems.

    You can write blog posts about that.

    For example guide for single mothers, like this post from I Love My Child: The Single Mother’s Guide to Divorce and Finances.

    23. Newborns

    Newborns are a good niche to write about, it’s specific enough, and there are a lot of questions you can answer in your blog post if you have knowledge enough to do it well.

    24. Babysitting

    If you are a babysitter and want some extra cash, then creating a blog website around babysitting is a good option.

    25. Home Security

    This can be a very profitable niche if you know what are you doing.

    26. Cheap Traveling

    People love to travel, but traveling is pretty much expensive in 2023.

    You can build a blog website about traveling in cheaper countries, or how to save money while traveling, etc.

    27. Gluten-Free Diet

    Many people are starting gluten-free diets, some of them because they must, maybe they have Diabetes type 1needsd some of them just want to get rid of the gluten.

    28. Kids Development

    Parents want to have a smart kid, that’s why in 2023 kids’ development will be more popular.

    Try to find games or apps and write about them, you can also be affiliated with them and earn money.

    29. Anxiety & Depression

    There are more and more people who get problems with depression and anxiety, especially women.

    You have many topics that you can start that are related to depression and anxiety.

    Find out what problems people have when it comes to depression, do well research, and try to answer their problems with solutions in your article.

    30. Advertising

    With the raise of social media, advertising become more popular, and some of the leaders in the advertising space said that maybe marketing will fall down in 2023.

    But every year they are predicting the fall, and every year more and more businesses are advertising and building their business with ads.

    With the development of AI in digital marketing (AD CREATIVE) advertisements also get a huge improvement.

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    31. Pet Massage

    Many people in the world have a pet, and every pet likes to be petted.

    You can write about different kinds of pets and how to massage them, also you can do networking, find other people who have interesting pets, and make blog articles, and videos from them. Your website will be much more visible and maybe viral.

    32. Survival

    If you are not an adrenalin addict, then don’t do this niche for blogging.

    If you are passionate about survival you can monetize your passion and write about interesting topics related to survival, also you can earn money by selling survival kits, etc.

    33. YouTube Monetization

    If you already have a YouTube channel that is monetized, then you can write about your experience, and help others to get monetized on YouTube.

    34. Cooking

    One thing is for sure truth, people love to watch other people cook, so when you want to write about cooking, then you need to make sure you are ready to cook actually.

    They don’t want to read long copies, they want also to watch you how to cook a special meal.

    So with your blog post, make videos as well for the best results.

    35. Keto Diet

    Low carb diet is not my favorite diet, but many people, especially ladies are choosing this as their regular diet.

    You can create a blog around this niche and you can monetize it as well with affiliate marketing.

    36. Blogging

    You can write about different kinds of blogger problems.

    Like this one, you want to find a niche for blogging, and DaddyDoc gives you 50 blogging niches to choose from.

    There are many topics you can cover in your niche, but if you don’t have any experience when it comes to blogging, then don’t start this one.

    37. Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate Marketing, especially on YouTube can be very popular in 2023

    So, you can create a blog website with a YouTube channel.

    There are many people who are interested in starting a blog website about affiliate marketing, and you can too.

    You can read this eBook by DaddyDoc to know more about affiliate marketing.

    Its called “Affiliate Marketing 2023 Boom Strategy”

    Download it here:

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    38. Dropshipping

    Dropshipping can be exciting in 2023, people want to make money online and dropshipping looks like the perfect solution for that.

    Of course, every beginner doesn’t know dropshipping headaches but anyway many will not be stopped to do dropshipping and you can create a blogging website around dropshipping.

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    39. Domain Names

    Flipping domains can be widely popular in 2023 and you can create a blog website around the domain niche.

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    40. Web Hosting

    Web hosting can be complicated for some people, especially for beginners in the online world.

    41. Spirituality

    You can write a blog post about religion and God. People have many questions, and you can give them answers, of course, if you are well-acknowledged about religion.

    42. WEB 3.0

    If something is supposed to be popular in 2023 that must be WEB 3.0 blog niches.

    Find some category, like crypto gaming, and write about this sub-niche.

    Web 3.0 is the future and it will replace Web 2.0 soon probably.

    43. Marriage

    There are a lot of problems in modern generation marriages.

    You can build a blog website around marriage problems and give them solutions.

    44. Pension (Quality Life for Old People)

    How to have a quality old life is a good niche to be in 2023.

    Write about quality spending time for people who are on pension.

    45. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    SEO is not easy to understand, that’s why if you have knowledge about SEO you can help other small businesses to achieve their online goals.

    46. Make Money Online

    There are many ways to make money online, and you can create a blog website to show them how to make money online.

    47. Digital Marketing

    Digital Marketing was popular in 2022, and if you have enough experience in the digital marketing space you can build a website around some segment of digital marketing.

    48. Website Design

    In 2022, there were over 1.98 billion websites online, and that number will be larger in 2023 for sure.

    If you know to design websites or you are good at coding, then this niche can be for you.

    You don’t need to know to code but you will reach a much larger audience if you know.

    49. Relationships

    Relationships, marriage preparations, and many more topics you can cover.

    50. Language Learning

    The trend to learn a second language will be popular in 2023.

    If you know your own language very well to teach others, then you can build a blog website around your language.

    Why Are These Niches Profitable?

    Image explain why these niches inside of this article are profitable.

    Any niche can be profitable, the difference maker is the wallet of your audience.

    But there are a few reasons why these 50 blog niches are profitable:

    • First of all, the demand for information is high in these areas.
      • People are always looking for new ways to improve their lives, and they’re looking for trusted sources of information to help them do that.
    • Second of all, the competition is low.
      • You’re not going to have to compete with a lot of other bloggers for attention in these niches. That means you can quickly establish yourself as an authority in your field, and people will be more likely to trust your advice.
    • Third of all, the margins are high.
      • That means you can make a lot of money from a small amount of traffic. And finally, these niches are evergreen, which means they’ll continue to be profitable for years to come.

    How Can You Find Low Competition Niches?

    infographic on How to find low competition niche
    How to find a low-competition blog niche

    So now that you know what the most profitable blog niches with low competition are, how can you find your own niche? It’s actually not as hard as you might think.

    If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few tips:

    • Find a topic that you’re passionate about.
    • Think about what you know the most about.
    • Do some research and find a niche that has low competition.

    How Can You Make Your Blog Stand Out in a Low Competition Niche?

    Make Your Blog Stand Out From The Competition.

    In any niche, you need to make sure you are unique and you stand out from your competition.

    Here are a few tips:

    • Find your unique voice and stick to it.
      • Don’t try to be like everyone else in your niche.
    • Write quality content that is both useful and interesting to your readers.
      • Do quality research and make better articles than anyone in your industry.
    • Promote your content regularly on social media and other channels.
      • You can get free traffic and good social signals from Google.
    • Make sure your website is well-designed and easy to use.
      • Here the most important aspect is site speed, if you have a slow website, then the golden rings or anything fancy on your website will be waste of time and money. Make it simple but interesting and fast.
    • Be active in the blogging community and connect with other bloggers.
      • This is good for backlinks, if you have a good connection with other bloggers, then you can achieve some valuable backlinks, and Google will award you with higher domain authority.

    By following these tips, you can make your blog stand out from the rest and attract more readers in a low-competition niche.


    There are many profitable blog niches with low competition. However, the three most profitable blog niches with the lowest competition are health, personal finance, and travel.

    If you are looking to start a blog in a profitable niche with low competition, these are the three niches to consider.

    Building a successful blog needs time and effort and you need to be patient and work daily on your blog website.